Thursday, February 26, 2009

A pic of Seabreeze being a buster.

Where's your precious twitter now?!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Irvine Twix?

What the fuck is "fling" and why isn't Twix suing these motherfuckers into oblivion?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sometimes work isn't all bad.

You really don't see double rainbows all that often.

Friday, February 13, 2009

No Fear

Seeing crossing guards at intersections with lights or on some little ass sidestreet always made me think of them as a bunch of pussies with jobs that didn't matter.

Then I saw this guy in action and everything changed.

On Norwalk Blvd.(a major traffic artery by anyone's definition) this dude comes running into the middle of 4 lanes of non-stop traffic in the rain with only a red metal octagon and a yellow rain suit to protect him. Only when traffic has come to a sliding halt does he beckon for the children to cross.

I'd like to see what the mortality rate for these guys is.